The Wife of the Shaykh

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ 

Shaykha Camille Adams Helminski wrote, in her article, “Women & Sufism”, that the wife of the ninth-century Sufi, Shaykh Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad bin ‘Ali al-Hakim at-Tirmidzi (q.s.), was a mystic in her own right.  She used to dream for her husband as well as for herself.  Khidhr (a.s.), the mysterious one, would appear to her in her dreams. 

One night, he told her to tell her husband to guard the purity of his house.  Concerned that perhaps Khidhr (a.s.) was referring to the lack of cleanliness that sometimes occurred because of their young children, she questioned him in her dream.  He responded by pointing to his tongue: she was to tell her husband to be mindful of the purity of his speech.


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