Minor & Major Signs of Yawm al-Qiyamah

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

Shaykh ‘Utsman Nuri Tufbas wrote, in “Islam, Spirit, & Form”, that in neither in the Qur’an nor in the ahadits, is any information given regarding the timing of the Day of Resurrection.  However, a number of minor and major signs of the Day of Judgement are mentioned in these primary sources.  We can summarise the available information as follows: 

Minor Signs

Learning and knowledge will decrease while ignorance will increase. Alcohol consumption and fornication will take place explicitly.

Murders for simple reasons and even for no reason at all will rise.

Justice and competence will disappear; no attention will be paid whether something is awful or unlawful, legitimate or illegitimate.

Rebellion against parents and slavish obedience to the unnecessary demands of women will increase.

Cheating and corruption will spread and everybody will start complaining about these ills.

Respect and compassion for people will decrease significantly and warnings will remain unnoticed.

Migration to cities will soar and buildings will spring up.  Incompetence and wicked people will enjoy respect and they will hold power and authority.

Gambling, fortune telling and tools for gambling will become more varied and popular.  People will not notice the passing of time.

Wasting money, goods and resources will increase; people will prefer material and worldly interests to the happiness in the Hereafter. 

Major Signs

The emergence of a smoke lasting forty days.

The emergence of ad-Dajjal al-Masih, the Antichrist.

The emergence of an animal called Dhabbat al-‘Ardh.

The rising of the Sun from the West.

The spreading of Ya’juj wa Ma’juj, Gog and Magog, in the world.

The descent of Jesus (a.s.) to the Earth.

The rising of a strong fire in the Hijaz region.

The sinking of three places in the East, the West, and in the Arabian Peninsula.


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