Normalisation of Takfir against the Shi’ah in Singapore

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

More Muslims in Singapore should come out against discrimination and hate rhetoric against the Shi’ah community.  When there is some disagreement online or offline, one of the phrases trotted out is some version, often less polite, of “That person is Shi’ah”. 

Who said the Shi’ah are out of Islam?  They go for haj and ‘umrah, pray five times, fast in Ramadhan, and give zakat, in addition to holding on to the shahadah.  This normalisation of prejudice is unacceptable.  This takfir is a Wahhabi disease that should not be tolerated.  And so what if someone is Shi’ah?  I know a certain Muslim students’ organisation that excludes them.  I know of two couples who had problems at ROMM because one of them is Shi’ah.  I know entire groups in Singapore which make takfir of them.  I never noticed any Muslim organisation, or major ustadz come out against this.  In fact, I know of several who perpetrate this. 

This shameful behaviour within our community has to end, and I hope more Muslims come out publicly against this.


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