Special Signs of Laylat al-Qadr from Futuhat al-Makiyyah

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

The father of Shaykh Muhyi ad-Din Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn ‘Arabi (q.s.), Shaykh ‘Ali ibn Muhammad ath-Tha’i (q.s.), informed him about special signs by means of which one could recognise the blessed night.  One of these signs is mentioned in the Futuhat al-Makkiyyah: “The dawn at the end of the Night of Power is not from the light of the Sun.  It is the light of the Night of Power itself, which manifests in the body of the Sun, just as with the light of the Moon.”  He continued, “Thus, as the Night of Power effaces the rays of the Sun, the Sun remains like the Moon, shining on things and giving light without rays.” 

The shaykh wrote this poem: 

“Each moment I behold You is my Night of Power,

While that which for mankind in the month of Ramadhan

Is better than a thousand months.

Verily I, I am better than that without any time!

Its graciousness depends on me, while my own grace

Belongs to Him Who Made me in His Image.”


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