When Jesus (a.s.) Raised Shem (a.s.), Son of Noah (a.s.)

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

It is mentioned that Jesus (a.s.) used to raise the dead to life by the Permission of God. Some unbelievers once said to him, “You have raised people who have died recently, and perhaps they were not dead; so, raise for us one who died in the earliest times. 

He said to them, “Choose whom you will.” 

They said, “Raise for us, Shem, son of Noah.” 

Then, he came to his grave and prayed two raka’ah and called on God, and God Raised Shem Noah (a.s.), son of Noah (a.s.).  Shem’s (a.s.) head and beard had become white. 

Someone amongst them said, “What is this?  There were no white hairs in your day.” 

He replied, “I heard the summons, and I thought the Resurrection had come, so the hair of my head and beard became white from terror.” 

Someone else asked, “How long have you been dead?” 

He replied, “For four thousand years; but the agony of death has not left me yet.”


  1. May i know from which hadith you took all these information? Could you please provide me the hadith detail ? Jazakallaahu khair

    1. You do know you can simply Google these things, right? I am not obligated to cite everything I put here. That is not the purpose of my blog.


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