Taswawwuf in the Languages of Law & Reality

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ 

The following was translated by Dr. Alan A. Godlas. 

Imam ‘Ali ibn Thahir as-Sulami (q.s.) reported, in his Mahasin at-Taswawwuf, that Shaykh Abu Musa ad-Dili (q.s.) said that he asked Shaykh Bayazid Thayfur ibn ‘Isa al-Bisthami, (q.s.), “What is taswawwuf?” 

He replied, “Do you want the answer in the language of shari’ah, the language of al-haqiqah or the language of al-Haqq?” 

Shaykh Abu Musa (q.s.) responded, “In all three.” 

Shaykh Abu Yazid (q.s.) answered, “In the language of the law, taswawwuf is purification of hearts from impurities, using the Creation together with created nature, and following the Prophet (s.a.w.) in shari’ah.  In the language of al-haqiqah, taswawwuf is the absence of exertions, departing from the requirements of the qualities, and contentment with the Creator of the heavens.  In the Language of the al-Haqq, the foundation is that al-Haqq has Purified them of their qualities by means of His Qualities.  So al-Haqq has Responded to them in a Purifying Manner.  Hence they were named those who have become pure.” 

أبا موسى الديلي يقول: سألت أبا يزيد طيفور بن عيسى عن التصوف ما هو؟ فقال: تريد الجواب بلسان الشرع أم بلسان الحقيقة أم بلسان الحق، فقال: بالثلاثة، فقال: أما بلسان الشرع فتصفية القلوب عن الأكدار واستعمال الخلق مع الخليقة واتباع الرسول في الشريعة، وأما بلسان الحقيقة فعدم الجدات والخروج من أحكام الصفات والاكتفاء بخالق السماوات، وأما بلسان الحق فالأصل إن الحق أصفاهم عن صفاتهم بصفاته فصافاهم فسموا صوفية. 


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