Taswawwuf in the Languages of Law & Reality

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ The following was translated by Dr. Alan A. Godlas. Imam ‘Ali ibn Thahir as-Sulami ( q.s. ) reported, in his Mahasin at-Taswawwuf , that Shaykh Abu Musa ad-Dili ( q.s. ) said that he asked Shaykh Bayazid Thayfur ibn ‘Isa al-Bisthami, ( q.s. ), “What is taswawwuf ?” He replied, “Do you want the answer in the language of shari’ah , the language of al-haqiqah or the language of al-Haqq?” Shaykh Abu Musa ( q.s. ) responded, “In all three.” Shaykh Abu Yazid ( q.s. ) answered, “In the language of the law, taswawwuf is purification of hearts from impurities, using the Creation together with created nature, and following the Prophet ( s.a.w. ) in shari’ah . In the language of al-haqiqah , taswawwuf is the absence of exertions, departing from the requirements of the qualities, and contentment with the Creator of the heavens. In the Language of the al-Haqq, the foundation is that al-Haqq has Purified...