Divine Echoes

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

We are here for a short time only,
And we walk a Path so lonely.
A man and his wife are Allah’s Sign.
Their love an echo of His Design.

Such love so deep, comes once in your life,
Once found, only she could ever be your wife.
Like Andromache and Helikaon.
Once she was lost, he could not go on.

Every Lover has only one heart to live,
Echo of the Divine Love, one to give.
And when that is lost, beyond all hope,
God truly knows the Man cannot cope.

That is truly our anchor in this world.
When that is lost, it will all unfurl.
What is left is the Eternal Sleep,
The only cure for pain so deep.

Is the pain of the heart, the sin of the soul?
The tears are so hot, the heart is so cold.
The nights so long and lonely.
Without the Divine Echo's only.


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