For the Knowers

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ Said the Beloved to the Lover: “So come back to Me when it is Time. Though the world thinks you crazy. With just one call, I Will Be there. For I have never left. And if you walk to me, I will Run. And if you move nearer one step, I Move nearer seventy steps. I have Always Answered your call. Because I Know you. Even when you have no more faith in yourself. Your pain is My Pain, your joy is my Joy. Indeed I am the Friend.” Said the Lover to the Beloved: “I will Return; my Light, my Sun, my Moon, my Eleven Planets. I will Return; my Reason, my Heart, my Desire. Return to me, my Glimpse of Paradise. Because the Garden is not the Abode. I seek only You. You are my Treasure in dunya, and my Treasure in akhirah . My pain is Your Pain, My Joy is Your Joy. I do not exist in your Presence. There is only You. And I know ...