The Sharing Group Discussion on “Liberal” Islam

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ Brother James Harris posted this, on The Sharing Group, on the 25 th December 2015: “I have seen, on a number of occasions, warnings about ‘liberal Islam’, which is apparently a view of Islam which is anti-traditional. However, I am not clear as to what liberal Islam is, its principles, or in what way it contradicts ‘traditional Islam’. What is liberal Islam, and in what way is it incompatible with a traditional understanding of Islam?” Brother Billy Johnston: It probably is not clear, as what is considered “liberal” Islam today is probably much closer to the “traditional” Islam of the Prophet ( s.a.w. ). Brother William Voller: Sounds a bit like another label used derogatorily so challenges raised to some person’s own opinion can casually be cast aside without being engaged with, so essentially, it is subjective, which is why it is unclear. Brother Terence Helikaon Nunis: This is the current bogeyman o...