The Sharing Group Discussion on Ahadits Interpretation by Laymen

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ Brother James Harris posted the following quote, on The Sharing Group, on the 5 th March 2015: “Ustadz Sa’id Ukur Nursi (r.a.) wrote, in his 28 th Letter, on the dangers of ahadits interpretation attempts by the layman., ;It is not permissible to discuss ambiguous ahadits among the ordinary people, and to show off and justify oneself like a lawyer, and to rely on egotism to support one ’ s arguments rather than on truth and right. The question being broached and argued about is having an adverse effect on the minds of the poor ordinary people. They cannot comprehend obscure allegorical ahadits like these, and if they deny them, it opens the terrifying door to their also denying definite, unambiguous ahadits that they cannot understand with their limited intelligences. If they take the hadits on face value and accept the literal meaning and they spread it around, it paves the way for the people of misguidance to object t...