Iqazh al-Himam fi Sharh al-Hikam, Chapter Two, Part Six

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ The following is taken from the first chapter of Iqazh al-Himam fi Sharh al-Hikam , a commentary on al-Hikam of Shaykh Taj ad-Din Abu al-Fadhl Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Atha’illah as-Sakandari ( q.s. ), by Shaykh Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Ajibah ( q.s. ). Then Shaykh ibn ‘Atha’illah as-Sakandari ( q.s. ) mentioned the eighth adab , and it is that he spends it by Allah ( s.w.t. ), for Allah ( s.w.t. ), from Allah ( s.w.t. ), and to Allah ( s.w.t. ). This is the station of truthfulness which is the core of sincerity and sincerity is the elite of the elite. He said: “A goal you seek by your Lord: no delay here. A goal you seek by yourself: not easy. Delay is being held back and difficulty. The goal is what one seeks to achieve.” When we have a need related to this world or the Next and want for it to be satisfied quickly for us, then seek it by Allah ( s.w.t. ), and do not seek it by ourself. If we s...