When Three “Jesus Christs” Collided

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ This is an excellent study on the nature of the nafs , and its resilience. From a spiritual perspective, we are all, to an extent, delusional, and the world is our asylum. The lesson here is that even when confronted with the truth, so many of us construct our own reality and justify our unbelief. That is the essence of kufr . The following is taken from When Three Jesus Christs Collided . In t 1959, psychologist Dr. Milton Rokeach, and a team of researchers, began an experiment in which they gathered three psychiatric patients, and had them live together, in Michigan’s Ypsilanti State Hospital to see how their beliefs might change or adapt. These three patients were all suffering under the delusion that they were Jesus Christ. Dr. Rokeach’s methods were questionable, and his results both inconclusive and of little worth, but the experiment has become one of the weirder and more infamous of...