Ajarridi Khwarijiyyah & the Conundrum of Free Will

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ The problem as to whether human beings were free to determine their own destiny or whether their being was determined by the Creator was also one of the central disputes in a rift within the Khwarij movement. For the first time, the Ajarridi Khwarijiyyah split into two sub-groups, the Maymuniyyah and the Shu’aybiyyah . The reason for this division originated in an argument between Maymun and Shu’ayb, the leaders of the groups. Shu’ayb had some money belonging to Maymun, and when Maymun demanded repayment, Shu’ayb said to him, “I shall give it to you, if Allah Wills.” Maymun replied, “Allah has Willed that you should give it to me now.” And Shu’ayb said, “If Allah has Willed it, I could not have done otherwise than give it to you.” Maymun continued by saying, “Verily, Allah has Willed what He Commanded; what He did not Command, He did not Will; and what He did not Will, He did not Command.” The...