The Revelation of the Qur’an

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ The following is extracted from “The Prophet Muhammad Muswthafa the Elect ( s.a.w. )”, by Shaykh ‘Utsman Nuri Tufbas. Having completed the six-month preparation toward perfecting his spiritual development so that he was now ready to receive Divine Revelation, Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w. ) was now forty years old. It was the seventeenth day of the holy month of Ramadhan. The Prophet ( s.a.w. ) was in the Cave of Hira as usual, when Jibril ( a.s. ) suddenly appeared and said, “Read!” “I cannot read”, answered our Beloved Prophet ( s.a.w. ). Thereupon, the angel seized and constricted the Prophet ( s.a.w. ) so hard that he left him almost unable to breathe. “Read!” Jibril ( a.s. ) then ordered once more. But the Light of Being ( s.a.w. ) responded in the same manner: “I cannot read!” The angel then seized him for the second time, compressing the Prophet ( s.a.w. ) until he had no stren...