The Sharing Group Discussion: Islam versus Institutionalised Religion

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ Sister San Yee posted this article on The Sharing Group on the 26 th April 2015: Why I am Against Institutionalised Religion . An excerpt of the article states, “The most heart-breaking thing about institutionalised religion for me is that it also teaches us to judge a man not based on his character and how he treats others, but by the way he dresses. Spirituality has been taken over by superficiality. Institutionalised religion insists on playing God.” Brother Colin Turner : She makes some interesting points, but then, so did Hitler. I am afraid I am as suspicious of the “no religion, only spirituality” brigade as I am of the head-banging death-cultists who go by the name of Salafi or Wahhabi. I fear both. Brother AbdRohim Sinwan : I thought that the Diyn encompasses both religion and spirituality, rather than pitting religion against spirituality. Maybe there are just not enough adher...