The Barefoot Sufi

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ Shaykh Bishr ibn Harits ( q.s. ) is better known as “Bishr al-Hafi”, “Bishr the Barefoot.” He was a wali born near Merv, in 767 CE. He was converted from a life of iniquity and studied hadits under Shaykh Abu ‘Ali Fudhayl ibn ‘lyadh ( q.s. ), himself a great wali who had repented from banditry. Shaykh Bishr ( q.s. ) then devoted his life to Allah ( s.w.t. ) and became famous as one of the greatest saints in the area. Shaykh Bishr ( q.s. ) settled at Baghdad. The story of his conversion was narrated by Shaykh Farid ad-Din ‘Aththar Abu Hamid ibn Abu Bakr Ibrahim ( q.s. ) in Tadzkirat al-Awliya’ . Shaykh ‘Aththar ( q.s. ) narrated that Shaykh Bishr ( q.s. ) had lived a life of dissipation. One of his neighbours was a pious man who did not think very much of Shaykh Bishr ( q.s. ) and his lifestyle. One day, as he was staggering home drunk, he found a piece of paper on which was written, “ Bismillah ar-Rah...