The Secret is Restraint

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ When we meet someone, what they say and do speaks much of their inner reality. It is not so much to judge anyone, but rather it is a tool of reflection to understand the self; that it is insidious, that it is devious and that it is resilient. A man once came to Shaykha Rabi’ah al-‘Adawiyyah al-Qaysiyyah al-Baswri ( q.s. ) and spoke at length of how much he hated dunya and loved Allah ( s.w.t. ). Shaykha Rabi’ah al-‘Adawiyyah ( q.s. ) remarked that for someone who hated dunya , he spoke a lot about it, like a jilted lover. And in the course of seeking the Divine, we will meet many people along the Path, each and every one of them with varying sicknesses of the heart. However, most of them do not recognise it. Rather, they seek to guide and teach and cure us. We must not look down on them and judge them for that in itself is a sickness. Rather, we must recognise the symptoms of these diseases and se...