Is Comparative Religion Necessary for Da’wah?

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ For the longest time, there was this prevalent belief in certain Muslim organisations that to engage in da’wah , it is necessary to have knowledge in comparative religion. It is a veil and irrelevant to the issue of faith. Some people believe that to bring someone to Islam, it was necessary to point out in an intellectual discussion what is wrong with their religious beliefs and why Islam is the answer. Firstly, as much as we would like to believe so, any discussion involving a belief system is anything but emotionless. We are talking about the ideas, and passions that rule our lives intrinsically. Look at the Muslims for example, because of cartoons that insulted the Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w. ), they were ready to burn down whole neighbourhoods, torch an embassy and send death threats. Ironically, to defend Rasullulah ( s.a.w. ), they violated the tenets of the faith and transgressed the sunnah . Secondl...