Real Islam Transforms

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ 

The following is adapted from a swuhbah by Shaykh Nazhim Adil al-Haqqani (q.s.) on 11th February 2010. 

Many people attend gatherings only to seek dunya, so it is a great Blessing when people gather for Allah (s.w.t.).  Our arch-enemy is Shaythan.  He has been our enemy since the time of Adam (a.s.) and will remain so until the end of time.  Our constant recitation of a’udzubillah is our means of protection, and it reminds us of our weakness and vulnerability, hence we are always in need of Allah’s (s.w.t.) Protection. 

The advices of the prophets are all Divine Commands which must be obeyed, and Allah (s.w.t.) is Able to Raise any weak and humble servant of His, to bring His Divine Commands to His servants.  The saints are the inheritors of the prophets.  One who speaks without ego will be able to convey his message to his audience, as their hearts will feel happy to receive the advice.  However, we must respect people who have been raised in stature in this world, based on a hadits, “Give due respect to those who have been raised in honour by their own tribes.” 

In many Islamic events, there are many representations of Islam; qaswidah, talks and speeches.  But none of them represents real Islam.  At the very most, they showed a very tiny part of what Islam really is.  Islam is not just about such performances or events, for they do not bring satisfaction to the hearts of the audience.  Real Islam is a way of life, a state of mind, a set of beliefs and practices – all of which bring peace and contentment to the hearts of those who practice it.  Islam has come to destroy all that is evil.  Islam has come to remove Shaythan’s influence from every aspect of human life.  Islam has come to chase Shaythan out of our lives and our communities. 

Islam began in the deserts of Arabia, amongst a group of wild, war-mongering tribes.  These barbarians were transformed into the best companions of the Prophet (s.a.w.) over a short period of twenty-three years.  In that time, their behaviour had been transformed into one based on the highest morals and ideals, that made them gems in the history of mankind - no other group of people had ever attained the status and exemplary conduct of the Companions of the Prophet (s.a.w.).  Look at how real Islam transformed the worst of humanity, into the very best.  The mission of every prophet was to remove Shaythan from our lives completely.  Our Prophet’s (s.a.w.) mission is to remove Shaythan and his influence from the life of the entire ummah.  So Islam is not about entertainment - dancing, whirling, qaswidah - it is a way of life that gives us the strength to remove Shaythan from every aspect of our lives.  Islam is sent to save us from Shaythan and his destructive teachings. 

We must remove Shaythan from our mind, our senses, our heart, our actions - in fact, from every organ, from every thought, intention and practice, in every moment of our lives.  That is why this swuhbah is an ocean onto itself, those who understand it, and practice it, will benefit, but those who are unable to understand, have been infiltrated by Shaythan, for the disease of “not understanding” is Shaythan’s disease.  Shaythan was Commanded to prostrate to Adam (a.s.) but he failed to understand and to obey, from that moment, right until Yawm al-Qiyamah. 

Just as Shaythan became accursed when he defied Allah (s.w.t.), we too will suffer the same fate, unless we banish Shaythan completely from our lives.  We must remove Shaythan, his presence, his advice, his teachings from our lives, our families and our communities in order to be happy, in this worldly life and in the hereafter.  Free ourselves from Shaythan and we would have fulfilled what Rasulullah (s.a.w.) came to do, and would have acquired real Islam.


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